It's Alive!

Today is the day my website finally has gone live & as many of you who know me this has been an ongoing personal project for far too long. With many of you just saying for crying out loud Will, just get it done!


I was never happy with the direction of previous designs, too much emphasis on the gallery and not enough scope/thought given to provide content without just becoming yet another pointless photography blog.

Finding the time to put enough clear thought into it & giving myself a clear direction in how I wanted to progress this.

With other platforms such as Flickr, Alamy & Instagram. Did my photography really need a dedicated site?


I came across this design which suited both a gallery and a "blog" platform I could build content taking my photography in the direction in which I have wanted for it. Design is so much easier when you are doing it for someone else and not for your over critical self.

Time.... What with the crazy Covid-19 riddled world of 2020, I found for the first time since being a student, I actually had been force fed time (Due to lockdowns, restrictions & furloughs) in which I could really plan out, design & build the type site I wanted for my photography.

With the direction of Flickr going to SmugMug & it not being what it once was, I relinquished my pro account & it's been sitting idle like many others out there. Instagram is a great platform (I admit, I was late to the party on this one) but I do find it is limited to what you can portray/provide past a rolling gallery, perhaps there is still more to learn from it. Alamy is great and it's helped me sell my photos but again like everything it just needs time, planning and pushing which I'm hoping I can do with this website as well as provide more than just a gallery site to be flicked through & forgotten.


I'm hoping to bring both an interesting and evolving gallery of works which is backed up by this "Blog" which I have named The Shutter. This side of the site will aim to provide NEWS... what I'm up to with my camera & website. GEAR... my Photography & outdoor gear choices with an honest opinion on things. LOCATIONS... Bringing individual location centered galleries with information & content to where I've been/what I've shot.

Please Contact me in regards to any photography projects, or to purchase prints.
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